Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 28, 2011

Tonight I was the designated puppy sitter for my parents' dogs, Jeter and Chloe and of course Captain Jack.

Here is a summary of Jeter's behavior:

When bedtime came I decided to let Cap sleep in my room with me.  I left Jeter and Chloe in the living room.  (With plenty of comfy sleeping opportunities available of course)  Cap was actually a very good boy and went right to sleep with me.  Around 2am I hear Jeter barking outside of my door.  I thought maybe he wanted to go out so I got up and let all the dogs out.  When I finally got them to come back inside, Jeter then followed Cap and I into my bedroom.  I decided to give in and let him sleep in my room (ON THE FLOOR), so I went to go get his bed.   I came back and looked for Chloe.  This is what I came back to….
Don't mind the mess : )

Yup, there was Chloe all cozy in my bed!  At this point I just wanted to get back to sleep so I let it go.  Just me and 3 dogs in my room.  Good times.

Then at 5am Jeter woke me up by shaking his head repeatedly because his ears were bothering him.  With that I kicked all the dogs out… hoping to get a few more winks in…  Needless to say I'm a little tired this morning… and apparently I am not the only one….


Must be nice pups!!!  Oh the joys of pups!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


October 27, 2011

Apparently the dogs thought that I was making Reese's Peanut Butter Bars for them…

Today is the coldest day we've had so far this Fall… So Cap got to wear his new jacket when we went for our walk!

Apparently it was a little itchy because this is him when we got home…

He caught me taping at the end!! ; )

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cap's 9 Months old today!!!

October 26, 2011
He's getting so old!!

Katie attempted to feed all 4 dogs together….

Email I got at 7:15 this morning from my mom:

So your little buddy was whining outside our bedroom window this AM!!!  He finally stopped but when I came out I discovered why...he was making a snack of Dad's old dock siders!!!  The toe area is now missing!!!!  They needed to be thrown out anyway but not according to Dad!  Oooops!

 My response:  Well maybe he will learn not to leave his shoes out!!!

Some fun news:  Cap's Christmas collar came in today!!

I found the collar on this site:
This woman is amazing and makes all kinds of cool dog collars!

Yes this all happened today!

Oh yes and a Cap sleeping update:  After two nights of actually sleeping through the night, Cap decided that 4am was a great time for play time this morning.  I beg to differ.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

He's growing up...

Captain has decided that he loves his bed now! <3

Cap sleeping update for October:  Cap was kicked out of my bed since he started the whole "staring at me until I woke up" routine.  Apparently he has decided that sleeping in his own bed is overrated because Sunday night when I went to brush my teeth this is what I walked into my room to find: 
How could I say no to that face?  So I let him sleep with me and…..HE SLEPT ALL NIGHT!  Woohoo!

Night 2:  Apparently this is becoming a nightly routine.  He's no dummy!!

October 25, 2011:  Cap often entertains himself by playing in the water dish.  Tonight he decided that water tastes much better when slurped off the floor.  Don't worry Cap, I'll clean up your mess!!!

Cap has also recently become obsessed with the shower.  He hops up on the ledge and watches the water.  I think he'd do that all day if he could!  He reaches his little paw right into the water stream sometimes too.  A bit strange, but whatever floats his boat!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Cap's First 8 Months - The Highlights!

March 2011… Already getting into trouble!

April 2011:  Cap's First Happy Hour!  Where else?!  Prepps!  And first trip to Florida for his First Horse Show!

May 2011: Cap experiences his first lacrosse game… Naz vs. RIT!

Cap has proven to be quite a talker… I can't imagine where he got that from…

How many beds does one pup need?!
June 2011:  At this point I thought Cap was old enough to sleep in bed with me… The outcome?  A nice whole in the down comforter cover!  This led to Cap's first grounding!  No more sleeping in my bed!  Yes I really stuck to it… until July…

Troublemaker!  He clearly thought there was something that belonged to him in this closet!

July 2011:  Cap lost his manhood.  Luckily, Auntie Katie took very good care of him while he was at the vet!

Cap at the vet's recuperating

He finally got to come home!

He couldn't go for a walk for 3 days.  (It was supposed to be a week, but that was clearly NOT an option for this pup!!!)  He was INSANE by day 3.  In a matter of ten minutes he brought me a bottle cap, a washer, a quarter, and a piece of wood.  Clearly my house was not as puppy proof as I thought!!!

 July 26, 2011:  Cap is 6 months old today!


August 2011: Cap and I took a trip to Vermont to see Auntie Lilo horse show.  One night while we were there we went to a friend's house for a dinner party.  As we were driving there, I realized that I didn't lock the door to the basement to where Cap and I were staying.  I drove back to the house, locked the door and got back in the car to head back to the party.  It suddenly hit me that Cap didn't bark when I locked the door so I went back in to check on him.  I went in the house, walked over to his portable crate and HE WAS GONE!  I immediately panicked and was convinced for a minute that he had been puppynapped because I remembered shutting the basement door before I left and he was nowhere to be found!  After doing some exploring I realized that the basement door was now open so I went upstairs.  Sure enough, there was Cap just wandering around like he owned the place.  Upon closer inspection of his "crate" I figured out that he had unzipped the front and climbed out!!!  The little devil just about gave me a heart attack!!!

Right around this same time, Cap became a big brother!!  Here is his proud Momma and her 5 adorable puppies!

Cap sleeping update - This month I decided to give Cap another chance at sleeping in my bed… and said bye bye to a set of sheets!!!  Grounded again!

August 21, 2011: Cap's First Pirate's Weekend in Abay!
He obviously LOVES his costume!
This summer Cap went on his first boat ride and learned how to swim!

Cap loves to go visit Great Grandpa at Cherry Ridge!

September 2011
Go Bills!

Cap sleeping update:  I have once again decided to let Cap try sleeping in my bed.  He did great for a few weeks… About mid-September he decided that 3am was a great time to be awake… No he did not need to go out; he simply decided that it was a fabulous time to wander around my bed and STARE at me until I woke up!  You guessed it.  Kicked out again!  I need my sleep!!!

See ya September!


Here is today's Captain Adventure.  Unfortunately, I did not get to witness this one first hand, but instead learned about it via text.

Every morning I put up this gate so that Cap cannot get to Mom and Dad's bedroom.  (He likes to scratch on their door because he knows they are in there and we don't want to wake up Ed!)

Apparently after I left, Cap decided it was completely unfair to be locked out of their bedroom and decided to…

Leap right through their window and hop right into bed with my Dad!!!  I can only imagine Ed's reaction!  We cannot doubt this dog's intelligence people!!! <3  

The Background...

Captain Jack Sparrow was born on January 26, 2011.  He is the half brother of the amazing Miss Addie.


Cap came into my life on March 25, 2011 after a long drive to Pennsylvania.


Cap has turned out to be well worth that trip.   I am so grateful to Patti Foster for re-breeding Addie's amazing bloodlines.  I would recommend one of her pups to anyone!  They are the best Jack Russells around!
In addition to being a major cuddlebug, Captain is also quite entertaining…which has led to the birth of this blog!  I am hoping that other people find him as hilarious as I do… Otherwise this may be a big waste of your reading time!!  I will start with the present, then add to the past as they come back to me… Stay tuned!!