Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November Update

November hit and Cap was still not sleeping through the night.  I was given a potential solution by Beth, a co-worker of mine who has actually been lucky enough to work with Caesar Millan!  Beth asked if I had ever tried putting him on a treadmill.  I told her I hadn't, but would try anything.  She explained how to do it and I attempted that night…

November 7, 2011:  First Attempt

Here is Cap's first attempt at the treadmill…. Please note that in Beth's defense, I really did not follow her instructions quite closely enough…
Be sure to notice him refusing to move his back legs and instead just letting them drag along.  Also, he kept trying to sneak out backwards, thus why it looks like I have a choke hold on his harness!!  Love the commentary, Mom! ; )

Needless to say this attempt was less than successful… but it was only our first attempt…

November 2, 2011

Here is Cap's third day of treadmill work.  He was SUCH a good boy!!  This worked much better with the right leash and prompting.  His cooperation helped too!


November 12, 2011

Cap's new travel crate came today!  He seems to like it… let's see how long it takes him to figure out how to escape from this one!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cap had a very busy day today!  In the morning we went to the barn to watch Lilo ride.  Cap spent the whole time there sprinting through the paddocks with Zoe and playing with Mozzie!  He also decided to find some lovely deer poop to roll in… several times!!! YUCK!

After going home for bath #2, we went back to Lilo's for more playtime with Zoe!!  This crazy day actually tired this Jack out!!!  Here he was at about 9pm...


I kept waking him up so he would sleep all night… he was quite annoyed with me but…. HE SLEPT!!!  : )

November 14, 2011

Jeter is serving as a great chair for Captain Jack!!!  They were just hanging out like this when I walked in the kitchen!  Quite odd if you ask me!

November 15, 2011

Here are tonight's treadmill antics…
Apparently walking straight got boring so Cap wanted to try it sideways...

Even while working out, Cap could take the time to yell at Jeter who was trying to come in the room!

 Official Sleep Update:  Inconsistent…

The excitement never ends around here!!!

Thanksgiving 2011 was full of kids at our house!  Cap had a great time playing with everyone… but spent a good amount of time barking too!!

Apparently all the excitement tired this guy right out though…

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

October 31, 2011

This was Cap's first Halloween and of course he dressed up as none other than Captain Jack Sparrow!

Cap and I went to visit my grandpa at his Cherry Ridge apartment for their Halloween Celebration!  Cap was a VERY good boy.  He was very patient with all of the little kids and others who wanted to pet him.


Captain Jack has once again decided that his bed is a great chew toy….

This is him after he got it taken away from him…

Looking for a Captain sleeping update?  Nope still not sleeping!!!